a group of people looking at their phones


治疗前景 required a modern-day communications solution that not only reduced monthly call-bills, but also improved communication.

  • 国家:英国
  • 火狐体育手机:医疗
  • Solution: 云通信, 统一通信, 中小型企业, 彩虹

治疗前景 is an independent provider of certified home care services across London, 牛津大学, 和东南部. Their team of more than 800 care assistants provide a range of services for adults of all ages and are committed to connecting those in need, 有了陪伴, professionalism and understanding they deserve. 治疗前景 provides specialist care for those with learning difficulties, 痴呆, 后天性脑损伤, and those who require daily home care. Every decision the staff makes is tailored to meet the needs, comfort and understanding of those who rely on their support.  

We are very happy with the service and the quality of the overall system. Whenever we have any issues or need to divert calls, the team are always t在这里 and resolve issues promptly.
Nabiha Yeasmin, Registered Manager



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